The Rich Jerk On the Neck

From the very pits of an anonymous career of internet marketing, the Rich Jerk has built an affiliate marketing empire, based around the sales and promotion of the all powerful Rich Jerk E-Book.
He has revolutionized the "make tons of quick money on the internet" scene with such marvelously orchestrated precision, that his ebook sales are pushing the Rich Jerk to new horizons of mass wealth, throwing himself into the world of the wealthy and privileged. This in part can be related back to his revolutionary reverse marketing method of telling you that you are useless.
Although it hasn't been a ruff road for the Rich Jerk recently, there are some key elements he has developed that directly lead to his powerful presence and success on the web which I shall try to explain.
In terms of marketing, his approach to "selling" his e-book can teach all but the most experienced internet marketing guru's a great deal about how people will react to his sometimes "rude and crude" sales pitch approach. It is a very precise marketing model that has been studied many times before that has been shown to produce very good results.
Listen Closely
1) The Rich Jerk, either by his own incredible design, or by sheer luck, has waited to unveil his "internet marketing secrets" until the most precise moment, when he knew a "hostile take over" would be more than simple enough and that a new wave of internet marketing was just waiting to be unleashed.
2) From its arrival on the web, the Rich Jerk has had tens of hundreds of super-affiliates promoting his e-book, seemingly saturating the internet market quickly. But the buzz surrounding the rich jerk program through powerful articles, like the one seen in Yahoo news, created such a strong sense of credibility to prospective entrepreneurs to purchase the popular ebook, that it seems the sky is the limit for the profits the Rich Jerk can pull!
3) He seems to attack you, saying "i'm better than you", flashing cars, yachts, and luxury homes, forcing you to visualize what you will do with the money you make from purchasing his ebook. Even though you've heard all the promises before, he still gets you thinking of the possibilities, in-fact he shows you the lifestyle you can lead!
4) After throwing jealousy at you, the Rich Jerk begins to lay out about 15 or 20 listed ways that he specifically uses to make his money online. The kind of info that just really makes you feel like "this could work for me" or "he's so right, it seems clear now". He promises to teach you about his profitable web sites, and even create one for you, assuring you that it is too difficult to find what's making money and what isn't on your own. He spawns all the emotions from you and at the last minute he tells you that $49 is all you need, how can you resist?
5) He has filled his sales page with images of his bank statements, checks received, paypal account statements, and more. Driving home even further how rich he is, and how rich you aren't.
Then he goes for the jugular...
6) "I just bought two more cars and another mansion....did you?" -the Rich Jerk .....did you? "Well, if you are not convinced, I don't give a s#@%*. Go ahead and keep making your measly couple of grand every month, or whatever pathetic amount you make. When you are fed up, you'll be back."- the Rich Jerk Ouch, that kind of hurts......and then he has you. You are there for the picking.
Its so in your face, derogatory, and offensive, that you are practically forced to the purchase page just so you can feel good about yourself. He has battered and abused your ego so badly, that he has sold you without out ever trying to. How can he call you a pathetic moron, tell you to leave if you don't like his attitude, and offer your measly money back, unless he is telling the truth?
He has been obnoxious and manipulative, not even breaking a sweat to get your hard earned $50. And that is where the genius lies. With that said, i'm still going to shell out the $49.95 and get my grip on a copy of the highly sought after rich jerk ebook. I'll study the material, determine if its all he's cracked it up to be, and then decide if its time to establish my own internet marketing offensive.
Here is the link to the Rich Jerk sales letter and web site, decide for yourself. Oh, but if you get offended easily, its in your best interest to avoid the web page, otherwise get ready to be attacked with a malicious grin.
Wondering how i'm so positive the Rich Jerk is selling his ebook to make money online like they are going out of style, just check clickbank and see how long he has been the number one best selling affiliate program, competing against more than 10,000 other products. If that doesn't say he's selling, I don't know what does.
The best thing is, he is honest enough in his book to tell you how he managed to his marketing campaigns so you can do the same as him. Its a good read and a good insider into the mind of a very successful internet entrepreneur.

About the Author:

Russell Peters critiques the Rich Jerk and looks at who will benefit most from his e-book. Free info at: Rich Jerk

Article Source: - The Rich Jerk On the Neck
